Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ashley Soltis - Typographic Definitions B & H

An imaginary horizontal line upon which the base of each capital letter rests.
Bezier curves
A type of curve with nonuniform arcs, as opposed to curves with uniform curvature, which are called arcs. A Bezier curve is defined by specifying control points that set the shape of the curve, and are used to create letter shapes and other computer graphics. 
Binary code
Number system using two digits: zero and one.
Contraction of binary digit, which is the smallest unit of information that a computer can hold. The value of a bit (1 or 0) represents a two-way choice, such as yes or no, on or off, positive or negative.
A computerized image made up of dots. These are “mapped” onto the screen directly from corresponding bits in memory (hence the name). Also referred to as paint format. 
Bitmapped font 
A font whose letters are composed of dots, such as fonts designed for dot-matrix printers. Compare outline font and screen font. 
Body size
Depth of a piece of metal type, usually measured in points.
Body type
Text material, usually set in sizes from 6 to 12 points. Also called text type.
Type with thicker, heavier strokes than the regular font. Indicated as “BF” in type specifications. 
A computer’s start-up procedures; coined from “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps.”
Bounding box
In drawing or page-description languages, a bounding box is an imaginary box within which an image is located. It represents the rectangular area needed to create the image. 
Letterforms having a diagonal slant to the left.
Thinnest strokes on a typeface having strokes ofvarying weight.
Hand composition
Method of setting type by placingindividual pieces of metal type from a type case into acomposing stick. 
Hanging indent
In composition, a column format in which thefirst line of type is set to a full measure while all additional linesare indented. 
Hanging punctuation
Punctuation set outside the column measure to achieve an optical alignment.
Hard copy
Computer output printed on paper.
Hard disks
Large rigid disks having large storage capacity, fast operating speed, and permanent installation within the computer or a separate case.
The physical equipment of a computer system,such as the CPU, input/output devices, and peripherals.
An identifying line at the top margin of a document. A header can appear on every page and can include text, pictures, page numbers, the date, and the time. Headersrepeated throughout a document are called running headersor running heads. 
The most significant type in the visual hierarchy of a printed communication.
Hot type
Type produced by casting molten metal.
See Hypertext markup language.
The syllabic division of words used when theymust be broken at the end of a line. In electronic typesetting,hyphenation can be determined by the operator orautomatically by the computer.

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