Monday, July 23, 2012

Typography Anatomy  
The first typeface I chose was Helvetica. I decided to go with Helvetica because I like how straight and professional it looks. This is a typeface that seems real fancy to me without trying to seem real fancy. Whenever I see the O in Helvetica, I think of the Toyota logo design because the Toyota logo has a Helvetica design. Helvetica looks very clean and clear. I see Helvetica typography being used to describe and show things with high-maintenance features. I see this typeface used on a lot of cars and other electronics in order to showcase them as high-maintenance. Along with that, I can see Helvetica being used with a lot of stores as well such as Target, Sears, JCPenny, ect. Many people don't realize this but we see Helvetica being used everywhere we go. It's even used for technology companies like Microsoft. Helvetica can be used to indicate something as next generation or geared towards the future. Since it can represent something that's next gen, that's why I became so interested in Helvetica. Here is an example of how the O in Helvetica is used in the Toyota logo.

If you look at the O, you can see that the O has very smooth edges. Most typefaces try to either make the O curly or curvy, but the O in this Toyota logo is very smooth. It also has a very refined, high-end feel to it as well. I think that Helvetica is very reminiscent of today's pop culture because all of us want to feel like we're marketable. In other words, we want to feel professional and high-end. I feel that the Helvetica typeface is used in today's pop culture for the simple fact that we all want to be on top of our game. In conclusion, the character that the Helvetica typeface gives off is professional.

The second typeface I chose was Cambria. I kind of like this typeface because it have more of an edgy feel to it. I like how the letters are pointy with typeface to represent a sort of gothic, urban nature or feel. The pointy edges on each of the letters show how edgy it is but at the same time, it doesn't feel threatening. Instead, it feels pretty attractive and seductive. Almost like trying to get a tattoo when you're young. I see Cambria used at a lot of parties but most of all, I see it used with a lot of tattoos. The A in the Cambria typeface really reminds me of the tattoo culture of today because of how modern it looks. Here's an example of how the A reminds me of the tattoo culture of today.

To me, the Cambria typeface is representative of our wild pop-culture. When I look at Cambria typefaces, I feel like it's communicating to not be afraid to walk on the wild-side. I can pretty much sum up of the character of the Cambria typeface to be basically edgy but seductive and attractive. Basically it's saying, be wild, urban, and contemporary because it feels good and it's cool. I feel like a lot of rock musicians would use Cambria typefaces for their logos in order to make themselves seem more hip and edgy to today's crowd. One band would be Coheed and Cambria which is hard rock band. It seems that they would use it to communicate with other people, it's okay to be on the edge. That typeface is also being incorpated into video such as Rock Band, Guitar Hero and Batman : Arkham City. Again, communicating that it's okay to be on the edge. Overall, I feel that the A in the Cambria typeface is an attractive edgy character that's saying it's okay to be on the edge.

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