Saturday, August 11, 2012

Emily Ryan - 7 Deadly Sins Final

For this assignment the characters from the musical and movie Sweeney Todd inspired me. The three sins I chose were Wrath for Sweeney Todd, Lust for Mrs. Lovett, and Pride for Adolfo Pirelli. My main goal for this assignment was to try to portray the sins in a way where you would not necessarily have to know the characters to understand the message of each image. I used several different fonts, using both serif and sans serif, such as Herculanum, Zaphino, Myriad Pro, and Brush Script. The technique I used was type on a path in Adobe Illustrator. I placed images into the file and traced them, then converted the paths to type. It was my first time doing this technique extensively and it took a great amount of time, but once I got the hang of it, it went more quickly. For the figures themselves the words I used were the name of the sin, as well as synonyms for the sin. For the background I used quotes and songs from the musical/movie itself. I tried to highlight the most meaningful and impactful words. In general, my design philosophy is very simplistic and minimalist, so I gave myself a very restricted color palette because I wanted to practice and experiment using only black, gray, and red. The end result is something I hope is dynamic and interesting, as well as clear as to what sin I was trying to portray. Overall I really enjoyed this project, I think it was a great challenge.  

1 comment:

  1. Looks awesome! You did a great job of giving the characters depth. The background helps your characters pop off the page as well. The hair for Mrs. Lovett and Sweeney Todd looks great!
