Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Art Exhibit

I really enjoyed the Roy Litchenstein art exhibit. I thought it was wonderful. I enjoyed so many of the artwork there. I thought the Roy Litchenstein illustrations of women were very interesting to me. I liked the color that he used for those pieces. I thought that the color was very appropriate in order to catch the liveliness and mood of each of those images. I also enjoyed a lot of the sculpture and fashion pieces as well. My one complaint about the fashion pieces is that a lot of them seemed to drab and dreary. That what I first thought to myself but then, I thought about how fashion is art as well. As artists create artwork to communicate what they want to communicate, I think that the fashion clothing designs had the look to them in order for them to look more serious and more professional. Plus fashion can be worn on different occasions. For example, a black dress would usually be worn at a funeral. The comic book art pages are the ones I particularly enjoyed as well. The comic book that referred to the Holocaust and Nazis as animals had amazing typography in it. Specifically, on the cover, the typography title I felt really fit the mood of whole comic book. That's how well designed it was. What I really appreciated was how a lot of the illustrations were done in pencil. I felt that the fact that they were done in pencil really gave an illustrative feel to the artwork. A lot of it was done in paint colors as well. My favorite piece was the giant one where it featured two men and a lady in a jungle and there were snakes wrapped around the two men. I loved the piece because it had a real biblical sense to it. It almost seemed like something from the bible. I enjoyed a lot from this art exhibit from the photographs to the light sensory artpiece, etc. I think that Roy is a very enthusiastic artist and I looking forward to seeing more artists that are influenced by him to release a lot of their artwork.

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