Thursday, August 16, 2012

Nicolle Rezwin- Music Poster Final

Adele Rolling In The Deep
For my music poster project, I decided to do a poster on Adele’s song Rolling In The Deep. I chose this song because it has very deep meaning to it and I also love the sound of Adele’s voice. For the poster design, I decided to do a hand holding a scarred heart. The hand in this case is Adele looking at her scarred love life and how her boyfriend manipulated her heart when as she says “We could have had it all.” In the background, I decided to do fire because that represents anger and Adele had lots of anger toward her boyfriend who broke up with her.  In the design of heart I decided to put her lyrics of sadness such as “ The Scars of your love” and “you had my heart in your hand…” because that shows she's looking at what could have been with her holding the heart in her hand. For the typographic image of the fire, I decided to put her angry lyrics in the song. Such as “ There’s a fire starting in my heart…” and “I wish you had never met me..” I also chose a gradient of black and grey to show that she's coming out of the dark. She went to sad to becoming very angry. I think the symbols I chose really represent the song well and have a deep meaning to them just like the song.
In Rolling In the Deep, There are many repetitive choruses and beats. The repetitive choruses to the song include. “The scars of your love remind you of us They keep me thinking that we almost had it all The scars of your love, they leave me breathless I can't help feeling We could have had it all.” This chorus happens twice in the song. Another chorus that is heard at the end of the song is “(Now I'm gonna wish you never had met me) We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) Rolling in the deep,” This happens three times. Also numerous times during the song “Rolling in The Deep” is sung throughout. Repetitive beats such as a drum playing like a beating heart is playing steadily throughout the song.
The tempo and Rhythm of Rolling In the Deep starts out slow and then picks up energy as the song moves in to full force. Not until the very last note does the song slow down and come to a complete stop.
The structure of the music consists of Intro, Verse 1, Pre-Chorus, Chorus, Verse 2, Pre-Chorus Chorus, Chorus,Verse 3, and then the final chorus.
The feelings evoked by Rolling In The Deep are normal feelings such as sadness, anger, and resentment. You feel sad for Adele because her boyfriend manipulated her and played with her heart. They could have had a happy life together. Anger is evoked in the song because of Adele’s lyrics such as “ I wish you would never had met me.” And also “ Don’t Underestimate the things that I can do.”The song has a soul/pop genre to it.

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