Sunday, August 12, 2012

Nicolle Rezwin- Roy Lichtenstein Exhibit

The Roy Lichtenstein exhibition was really interesting to go to. I liked going to the exhibit and it made me become of a fan of his work.  I love how Lichtenstein used mostly bold primary colors and how he based his work off of comic books. I thought the use of Ben- Day dots were really creative and something that no one has seen before.  I couldn’t believe that he produced that many paintings during his lifetime. With that said, It is amazing that  they were done with great detail and care.  
In my art history class last year, we talked about two of his art works. This included Whaam! and Big Painting. Some interesting things that we learned was that in, Whaam! it was based off of military fighting and that the painting normalizes war by not making it emotional. When I first saw this painting in class, it reminded me of a James Rosenquist painting because of his use of a military plane. Later, I found out that Lichtenstein was actually influenced by Rosenquist in the Pop Art Movement. Another interesting thing I learned is that in Big Painting, Lichtenstein was responding to Jackson Pollock and his abstract expressionism. Like Pollock, Lichtenstein created Big Painting on a big canvas. It was nice to actually see his work in person rather than just talking about them and seeing them on the projector in the classroom.
Another interesting thing to see at the exhibit was how Roy Lichtenstein created most of his paintings. It was amazing how he took the time to sketch out his paintings first, and then reproduce them at a larger scale. It was interesting for example to see the sketch of, 'Mirror in Six Panels' and 'Brushstroke with Splatter.' And then actually looking at the actual finished product.  

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